Conurbanazo: Festival in Defense of Education

On November 15, students and teachers from 11 universities will unite in a caravan and festival in San Martín to defend public and free education.

Conurbanazo: Festival in Defense of Education

This Friday, November 15th, the "Conurbanazo" will take place, an initiative organized by students and teachers from 11 universities in the northwest of the Buenos Aires metropolitan area. The event aims to defend public, free, and quality education. The day will include a caravan, a university fair, and a festival at Irigoyen Park.

The caravan is scheduled to start at 10:30 at the National University of San Martín (UNSAM) and will visit various educational institutions in the region, such as the National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), the UTN of Haedo, the National University of La Matanza (UNLam), the National University of the West (UNO), the National University of Moreno (UNM), the National University of Luján (UNLu), the National University of Hurlingham (UNAHUR), the National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS), the National University of José C. Paz (UNPAZ), and the National University Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz (UNSO).

The route will conclude at Irigoyen Park, located at the intersection of General Paz Avenue and 25 de Mayo Street. There, the festival will take place featuring a university fair, live band performances, and various cultural, artistic, and educational activities from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

In this context, an open radio is planned at Irigoyen Park to share experiences and reflect on the role of public education in today's society. The university community has been expressing its rejection of the austerity measures against public universities, promoted by the government, through strikes, takeovers of faculties, assemblies, mass mobilizations, and street art interventions, after the veto of the University Financing Law approved by the National Congress.